Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Big Bang to String Theory, I Love the Science Channel

Photograph of Albert Einstein in his office at...Image via Wikipedia
Besides all the other unknowns I can write about, there is another subject that fascinates me to no end. That subject is the subject that has consumed phycisists since Einstein, where did it all start? The Big Bang to String Theory and beyond. If you have not taken the voyage down the rabbit hole of the Theory of Everything, you need to. I am a habitual Science Channel watcher, in fact it is my favorite channel. My absolute favorite scientist is Theoretical Physicist, Author, and Professor Michio Kaku. I have included some videos oh him discussing various subjects including String Theory. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

2012 Pole Shift - Mayan and I Ching prediction

The Logo Created by The President's Council on...Image via Wikipedia
As I have mentioned before, I am not one for stressing over events in which I have no control. This video is a little hair-raising but really its all just speculation. I keep reminding myself about all the hoopla made about y2k. And what happened, not a darn thing. Except maybe that stores saw a dramatic increase in bottled water sales. So what do you think? Is the world going to end in three years? I guess I will just have to wait and see for myself.

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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Animal Planet Gets Spooked

Haunted by the PastImage by gilderic via Flickr
Just when I thought I have seen every spin on a show about ghosts, Animal Planet has to go and make a new one. This time its the animals who are the center of the ghost stories (accounts). It was actually a pretty interesting show. I don't believe or disbelieve in ghosts personally. I have been scared from things I can't explain but have never seen anything that I could consider proof that ghosts do exist.

I just had to write about this show because I was just amazed that a new spin existed. I tried to add a video of the show off YouTube but they have the embed function blocked. Animal Planet does have a nice site for the show at: Hope you enjoy!

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What is Really in Our Food?

Organic vegetables at a farmers' market in Arg...Image via Wikipedia
This is a subject that is pretty important and interesting to me. I have  to admit I went a little to the extreme for awhile with reading labels and stressing over what exactly was in our food. I only shopped at Health Food Stores, bought organic, cut out dairy, and at nothing hydrogenated for almost a decade. A lot of this behavior was because my ex was a total freak when it came to stuff like that. I did have a genuine concern for the safety for my children and myself though. These days I have come to the conclusion that stress is the worst thing for human health and while I still try to stay educated about what is in my food, I don't let it consume me.

I did want to share some interesting videos and websites about the subject for your browsing enjoyment.

Is your microwave killing you?

Gross blog on McDonalds food

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Friday, December 4, 2009

Vaccine Safety

In Loving Memory of U.S. Senator, Edward (Ted)...Image by Beverly & Pack via Flickr
I have had the conversation about vaccine safety with several mothers over the years. There is a big concern with many that vaccines are really unsafe to give your children and may be responsible for some of the neurological disorders in children like Autism. I remember reading a really great article in Rolling Stone Magazine by Senator Kennedy about vaccines about five years ago. It dealt with the Mercury preservative Thimerosal that has now been banned in most vaccines. However there were some links between the preservative and Autism. There was also a great follow up article called Kennedy Report Sparks Controversy

According to an article in the Los Angeles Times, Merck & Co., the makers of several vaccines, knew in 1991 that the cumulative amount of mercury in vaccines given to infants by six months of age was about 87 times the level then thought to be safe. 

I did immunize my children but I chose not to get the flu vaccine or the pneumonia vaccines for my kids because they still contain Thimerosal in them. However, there are people that are now saying it is not the Thimerosal but the amount of vaccines that we are injecting at one time that are making kids sick. Also, there is some talk about aluminum in vaccines. I found another article in Mothering  magazine entitled Is Aluminum the New Thimerosal? 

Anyway this is all very interesting to me since I did immunize my kids. They luckily did not seem to have any side effects from the immunizations. My friend has a son that she believes may have been effected by his immunizations and now suffers from mild autistic symptoms. 

Either way the articles are at least interesting to contemplate, because knowledge is power and ignorance while blissful can be dangerous. I would love to hear what you think about the subject.

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